Founded by two Haitian brothers who witnessed the dramatic decline of local coral reefs first-hand, we believe in safeguarding critically threatened ecosystems for their intrinsic value as well as to sustain and enhance the critical ecosystem services they provide to local communities.

The Haiti Ocean Conservancy (formerly Amiga Island Ecological Foundation) is a non-profit, Haitian based organization. Haiti Ocean Conservancy was created to protect, preserve and enhance the local environment through outreach, education, research, and restoration projects.

The unprecedented decline of the keystone corals, Staghorn and Elkhorn, led to their listing as ‘Critically Endangered’ under the IUCN Red. This stimulated the establishment of the Haiti Ocean Conservancy in northern Haiti. By launching the first active coral restoration project in Haiti, the Conservancy is dedicated to the survival and conservation of endangered coral species. We are committed to ensuring the population recovery of our local keystone corals, which in turn helps to safeguard the livelihoods and wellbeing of local Haitian communities.