Our Mission

At Haiti Ocean Conservancy we know that protecting the environment means protecting communities. We work to restore critically endangered ecosystems through action, education, and empowerment, helping communities to create sustainable livelihoods and better manage their valuable natural resources.

Our Vision

Haiti Ocean Conservancy aims to facilitate sustainable, ecosystem-based management of marine resources by local stewards. We believe that the communities who depend on these resources directly should be able to actively protect and sustainably utilize their environment.

We envision a network of marine protected areas that allow for the preservation and recovery of critically threatened coral species, the reforestation of mangrove habitat, and the rehabilitation of the local fisheries which they support. 

Haiti Ocean Conservancy aspires to be a beacon of ecological restoration and research which best facilitates the sustainable management and preservation of endangered ecosystems. Through improving international communication and cooperation, we can safeguard threatened species across borders and ensure the sustainable and equitable use of natural resources.

Finally, we see a future where critical habitats and species are championed by environmental stewards and stakeholders, helping to improve economic opportunity through passive recreation and sustainable resource management.