Mariana Kneppers

Coral Restoration Intern - 2019

Originally from Walnut Creek, California, Mariana graduated from Elon University with a double-major in Biology and Environmental Science. She was always fascinated with the natural world, but she found her passion for coral during her semester abroad in the Turks and Caicos Islands. In pursuit of this, after graduating Elon she spent 6 months living in the Seychelles monitoring coral recovery while obtaining her Divemaster certification. After her internship, Mariana will be studying at Imperial College of London to obtain an MSc in Science Communication in order to promote advocacy for coral conservation. Her favorite animal is the manta ray and eating raw carrots gives her the hiccups.


Alex Fluke

Coral Restoration Intern - 2018-2019

Alex grew up in Wisconsin, USA and went on to complete her degree in Environmental Sciences at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. Although she was landlocked growing up she made traveling and SCUBA diving a priority whenever she had free time. Alex is a PADI SCUBA Instructor and lover of all benthic critters. She has had the pleasure to work for environmental non-profits and NGO’s as well as teach SCUBA all over the world including Madagascar, Fiji, Honduras, Saba, and beautiful Haiti! 


Tali Nachoom

Coral Restoration Intern - 2018-2019

Tali had been intrigued with the underwater world from a young age, and in 2007 she qualified as a diver to explore the underwater world. Graduating with a BSc Marine Vertebrate Zoology (Hons) degree from Bangor University, she developed a passion to protect and conserve the underwater world. This led her to continue her studies and an MSc in Environmental Conservation, specializing in marine invasive non-native species. Her interest in exploring the world, along with experiencing the plethora of cultures and natural habitats around it lead her to join the Haiti Ocean Conservancy team in Haiti.


Jemima Dimbleby

Coral Research Intern - 2018

Jemima knew she wanted to be a Marine Biologist when she was 8 years old. Since then, she has always sought to help protect and conserve the world’s amazing marine life. While studying Marine Biology at Plymouth University in the UK, Jemima came to Haiti to assist with the project’s out-planting program and carry out her undergraduate research on coral transplants and their ecological roles.



Coral Restoration Intern - 2018

Having been scuba diving since she was 9 years old, Elenor had always wanted to become a marine biologist. After volunteering in conservation projects around the world, she wanted to expand her marine conservation skillset into coral reef restoration. Joining Haiti Ocean Conservancy helped further her dream to help to protect and preserve the ocean environment.



Coral Restoration Intern 2015-2016

After volunteering with the Punta Cana Ecological Foundation’s coral restoration program for several years, Alberto was selected to come to Haiti to help establish Haiti Ocean Conservancy’s coral restoration project. He’s always lived by the coast, and loves the ocean almost as much as he loves bachata music!