Courtney Tierney

Coral Restoration Intern - 2019

Growing up on the coast of New Jersey sparked a passion for marine environments in Courtney at a young age. Her interest in coral started during a high school internship at an aquarium and led to studying coral disease last summer in American Samoa. In 2019 she graduated from Eckerd College with a BS in both Marine Science and Environmental Studies, with a focus on Coastal Management. Here at HOC, she is testing out her dream job of coral restoration and also learning to play harmonica.


Pip penny

Coral Restoration Intern - 2019

Originally from Hampshire, England, Pip recently graduated from the University of Exeter with a BSc in Conservation Biology and Ecology. She has wanted to be a marine biologist for as long as she can remember, and has always been in awe of the ocean and all its inhabitants. As Pip got older, she started learning about the challenges our oceans face and became passionate about protecting the underwater world.